The Bot Libre JavaScript SDK provides dynamic access to all of Bot Libre's services including chat bots, live chat, chat rooms, forums, and speech.
The speech API for the SDK can be used in conjunction with chat bots, live chat, or on its own.
The speech API is part of the Bot Libre JavaScript SDK.
To add the Bot Libre JavaScript SDK to your webpage you just need to import it in your webpage's <head> section.
The speech API is SDK.tts(text, voice).
The text is the text you would like converted to voice, and the voice is the voice you would like to use.
A voice is not required, if none is passed, the default voice is used.
There are currently 20 voices available in several languages. You can test the voices here.
The available voices include:
cmu-slt - English : US : Female
cmu-slt-hsmm - English : US : Female
cmu-bdl-hsmm - English : US : Male
cmu-rms-hsmm - English : US : Male
dfki-prudence-hsmm - English : GB : Female
dfki-spike-hsmm - English : GB : Male
dfki-obadiah-hsmm - English : GB : Male
dfki-poppy-hsmm - English : GB : Female
bits1-hsmm - German : DE : Female
bits3-hsmm - German : DE : Male
dfki-pavoque-neutral-hsmm - German : DE : Male
camille - French : FR : Female
camille-hsmm-hsmm - French : FR : Female
jessica_voice-hsmm - French : FR : Female
pierre-voice-hsmm - French : FR : Male
enst-dennys-hsmm - French : FR : Male
istc-lucia-hsmm - Italian : IT : Male
voxforge-ru-nsh - Russian : RU : Male
dfki-ot-hsmm - Turkish : TR : Male
cmu-nk-hsmm - Telugu : TE : Female
Example Speech API Usage
Try it out now (press speak)
When using the Bot Libre SDK, ensure you set your application id. You can obtain your application id from your user page.
Id: 42418
Tags: speech, api, sdk, embed, how to, tts
Posted: Jan 19 2015, 8:32
Updated: Nov 9 2020, 14:37
Replies: 0
Views: 4806,
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